Our product team has shipped many updates & improvements, in addition to newly released features. Let's dig in...
App Widget is fresh out of beta

Would you like to answer questions & use your documentation to convert users directly in your app? It's simple with Archbee, drop a simple script in your app or use our React component on npm.
npm install --save @archbee/app-widget
Generate SEO meta descriptions
Generating accurate descriptions and summary for your users & search engine bots has never been easier. Click and you're done.
Redesigned Code Editors & Code Drawers

Fresh new paint, but massive UX improvements with editors now saving their language when switching it, and remembering it for other sessions. Rendering performance has improved as well!
Redesigned Open API

A clean new look & feel for Open API and API Endpoints blocks has arrived!
Edit in GitHub buttons

For spaces backed by GitHub it's now easier than ever to get to the source in GitHub and edit or suggest changes through Pull Requests.
Across the board improvements
- OpenAPI import redesign
- Support for OpenAPI schemas
- Print to PDF is out of Beta: dynamic links redirects correctly, styling of exported PDF
- AI can now be configured for internal, external or both usage at the space level
- 3 column layout is now supported for all templates
- Filters for search on public spaces & now work for AI questions
- Breadcrumbs are shown when selecting dynamic doc links
Stay tuned for more in December!