What is Flipper Zero?
Flipper Zero is a portable multi-tool for pentesters and geeks in a toy-like body. The Flipper Zero documentation provides clear and easy-to-understand user guides on how to use the Flipper Zero device. Our instructions aim to be helpful for both beginners and geeks.
What were the challenges you were facing before using Archbee?
Archbee is our first platform for developing user documentation. We wanted to find something that would allow us to publish and edit docs quickly.
What made you choose Archbee over the alternatives?
Archbee is intuitive and easy to use, simplifying the process of publishing, editing, and using the platform's tools. The provided tools allow us to present instructions in an easy-to-follow way.
Can you share some outcomes?
Overall, our documentation receives very positive feedback, with 95% of all responses being favorable. Users describe our documentation as educational, practical, and polished.
Teams of all sizes build documentation with Archbee