What were some of the challenges you were facing before using Archbee?
Before we were working with Archbee a lot of our documentation was quite manual. We had Google Docs and we pretty much used to write things by hand on different documentation apps, and Excels and all that stuff and just leave them in a Google drive. It was hard to keep things up to date and maintain them as we were iterating quite fast.
What made you choose Archbee? What were some of the features that caught your attention?
Funny enough there was one individual feature which sounds very basic, but it was the biggest thing from my end. I am very design-focused and I have very particular ways how I like to structure my documentation. One of the things that I loved is the dividers. I tested three or four different apps, and for some reason in none of them the dividers worked. And then I got to Archbee and the dividers worked and I was like cool, done, I found what I want. I also liked the fact that you guys are a small team. We're a small team as well. I think start-ups supporting start-ups was always my favorite thing and working with people who are hustling as hard as we are was definitely a favorable thing on my end.
How has switching to Archbee impacted your workflow?
It's made it really easy to onboard new partners onto our platform. I think historically it was very hard to navigate and there was a lot of information that was hard to find and relatively enclosed. Now that we have it all in one document we can easily link our partners and send retailers one link that helps them go through the entire onboarding experience and understand what they need to do step by step. Every time we release new features it's quite easy to update that documentation and to further the available resources that our retailers have. It's made the onboarding experience and the customer success side of things much easier to maintain and manage as a whole.
Have you gotten feedback from partners or customers?
Yes, all the time. We have our API documentation within our Archbee environment and we get a lot of feedback from our retailers about it being easy to read and having a lot of information, flow charts, easy-to-view examples, etc. We also get feedback on how easy it is to find information. We definitely see a lot of value when it comes to retailers using the documentation.
Any impact internally?
It definitely helped us build more structure in our internal processes when it comes to overall development and go-to-market. Historically, a lot of the go-to-market side of things was a bit clouded. Now that we have a documentation tool it becomes really easy on the go-to-market side of things. I think it makes quite simple for us to know how to get certain features out to our retailers and how to advertise it. I do a lot of promotion to our retailers and being able to link them to documentation on how features work, how to set up certain features or what to do is much easier with Archbee.
Any advice you would like to give to other companies considering Archbee?
It's very affordable, super good to use when it comes to the overall use of documentation. I would highly recommend it. Great team, great support as well. It's definitely a platform that understands its user base. A lot of companies have diversified and shifted focus. Archbee has definitely maintained focus on the core product, which is quite valuable
Teams of all sizes build documentation with Archbee